Ubuntu change default language to english putty
Ubuntu change default language to english putty

ubuntu change default language to english putty

Build Execution & Deployment > Deployment.Remove the Project Root folder, add public_html.Click Manage and import PHPStorm-Drupal.xml from /buildFiles/configs folder.Settings Changes (File-Settings)Editor > Code Style.Press the button for Project Root and press OK.Here’s some things you’ll need to have before starting: At Bryn Mawr, we have behat as part of our repository, so we use that path instead of the default /usr/local/bin/behat one. If you wish to use your own version of Behat, you’ll need that path later. Behat v3.3 does come pre-installed via composer and is found at /usr/local/bin/behat. Behat tests can be initiated right from PHPStorm, saving a lot of hassle, as well as simplifying access to tests for less technical users.

Ubuntu change default language to english putty